Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Warframe Loadout.

People are differ when come in term of their favorite loadout. Its same for warframe and weapon builds. Its all depend on playstyle.

This is my favorite loadout. This list sort based on priority.


Survival Mission
  • Nekros - Spamming Desecrate
  • Nova - Spamming Molecular Prime 
  • Trinity - Blessing + Link combo trick.

Defense Mission
  • Vauban - Spamming Vortex
  • Nova - Spamming Molecular Prime
  • Frost - Globe on the way
  • Valkyr - Hysteria baby (ODD only)
  • Oberon - Reckoning in rage and fun

  • Oberon - Reckoning for fun
  • Nova - Spamming Molecular Prime
  • Trinity - Blessing + Link combo trick.

Capture/Spy/Deception Mission
  • Loki - Solo
  • Rhino - For run faster
  • Ash - Love the bladestorm

Mobile Defense Mission
  • Frost - Staying in the globe

Assassinate Mission/Boss Battle
  • Rhino - Golden Iron Skin 

Other mission like rescue, sabotage and interception depending on previous warframe used or the warframe that I rarely use. Depending on the mood I guess.

Primary Weapon

  • Soma - Fighting boss/Assassinate mission
  • Penta - Almost all the time I brought this.
  • Ignis - Who doesn't like infested BBQ
  • Paris Prime - Stealth Approach


Secondary Weapon

  • Akstiletto - this mini Soma is my favorite. Shooting with a style ( good accuracy and fast reload)
  • Despair/Kunai - Stealth Approach. When I bored with Akstiletto, i will bring this.
  • Embolist -Mini Ignis if I may call that. Kinda fun too.


Melee Weapon

  • Orthos Prime - Good fighting many enemy
  • Fang Prime - Like the fast and furious attack. Single enemy.

Continue to read for some detail.

My playstyle is run and shoot. I always zoom in when shooting which make me irritating. I just cant stop doing that. That's why I learned to use Penta properly. But in boss battle I use Soma because its feel not right to just blow up boss for quick (?) winning. Hm...

The only time I just sit and watch and shoot if enemy come close is when I play mobile defense mission with Frost as my warframe. Except in hunt for Oxium because of stupid Oxium Ospreys love to commit suicide if I'm slow to kill it.

When I play Survival Mission, I tend to take my time to choose which warframe I should use. I will see all my group warframe. If in the group they have no or miss one of warframe that I list above, I will bring it to the mission. My record was 1 hour of survival. I don't really like to go further than that because of my Internet connection. There always risk of disconnect so usually I will go for 40 min of gameplay.

If I use Nekros, I will try to follow Nova closely because sometime her Molecular prime become problematic for me. I have like 3 second to desecrate corpses. Nova well, no need to explain. As for Trinity, just use Link and Blessing and shoot yourself with Penta. No fun at all.

Defense mission is kinda make use of repetitive strategy. I always use Vauban's Vortex to secure the pod entry. When you get use to place, you know where enemy will spawn. But this Vortex strategy kinda useless when the place is too big, open-field and have a lower/higher ground which in this case I'm more comfortable using Nova for a big bang or Frost for stay at the pod approach.

ODD is bored as hell because enemy cannot attack if you on the higher ground. I always brought Valkyr because of her scream to entertain me. If suddenly enemy can attack the pod, just go for Hysteria. I cannot count how many time I saved pod with Valkyr Hysteria when my mate, Vauban lost his focus. Beside doing spiderman thing is fun to kill boredom in ODD.

My focus in exterminate mission is to kill as fast as I can. That's why I build my Oberon focusing only on reckoning spamming and mobility. I love reckoning. Its fast, can use in the air and got a style slamming enemy one the ground plus we can get red orbs for health. Also if enemy just upper or lower me that I cant reach with my weapon, just use reckoning. Problem solved.

Oberon for me is just for fun. If I want to make it tactical, better bring Nova.

Assassinate mission or boss fight. I'm not really a good player which can fight one by one. So, I always bring Rhino and spamming Iron Skin. My Rhino build also focusing on Iron Skin. So I can just focus attacking boss weakpoint without worry about knockdown or my health. Most of the boss fight strategy is to shoot at his/her weakpoint. So, I think Rhino is much more suitable for this kind of mission.

Advice for beginner. Go get Rhino fast. If you have plat and want to spend it on warframe, go get Rhino Prime by trading with other player. That's the first warframe we should craft first before searching other warframe.

As for other mission, its kinda straightforward. Just go and do stuff. No need actually strategy imho.

Soma, with crit build can become deadly weapon. Until this day, Soma still the favorite weapon for most of player, including me. However right now I kinda fond to use Penta because I want to kill faster. But in case like boss fight, I still bring Soma. Like I said before, its feel weird to kill boss with explosive weapon.

Penta is the BFG (Big-Fucking-Gun). Even its damage and AoE is less than Ogris, I still think Penta is more superior to Ogris. To kill enemy, its not all about damage, its also about control. Penta have very good damage and control ability. Stock it with elemental damage, Firestorm mod, Fast hands mod, and another basic mod like Serration and Heavy Caliber (which is must mod for Penta) make this weapon is suitable for bloodthirsty Tenno. It just need a good hand of Tenno to use it.

Ignis? Well, i only use in in ODE for vault run mission. I like flamethrower. Just run and press fire. You good to go. Pair it with Akstiletto so when the vault found early, we can shoot Corrupted. I don't use Ignis to fight bullet. That's so wrong for me.

As for stealth approach. I always bring Paris Prime and despair. But I'm no Solid Snake. Its doesn't suit my gameplay style. I rarely go stealth. So less I can say about this two weapon. However, Despair is very good. You must try it. If you dont have it because Stalker busy giving you dread, just use Kunai. Less damage but more rapid fire.

When first Akstiletto come to Warframe, I instantly fall in love with this gun. I throw away my Despair and stick with it until today. Its good good accuracy and fast and style reloading time. Got the feeling of Soma but much faster. I always use Akstiletto in first 25 min in T3 Survival Mission then I use Penta if my warframe not Nekros. Because Nekros need more corpses than fun.

Embolist? Same as Ignis. I bring this weapon to ODD only. Rarely use it because of its got very poor ammo efficiency. Even with ammo mutation. I just love to spray destructive agent to Infested. Its mostly for fun.

As for melee weapon. Well, I'm not sword guy. That's why I'm not interested in Melee 2.0. Its got cool stuff and animation but just not my kind of thing. I use Orthos Prime because that's only the melee weapon that I feel fast and have a wide attack range. Differ to Galatine which is slow but OP. I like fast weapon. Like Fang Prime which is fast and the animation is cool for me. Yeah!

Well, that's all for now. I know there are good warframe like Banshee with her sonar ability or Nyx for her Chaos and Absorb ability which I'm not list it here. Don't get me wrong. All warframe is good. I just not my liking to use that, or I just not good enough to use that.

However if I change my mind and find that other weapon or warframe is good and fun, I will update here. As for now, this my favorite Warframe Loadout.

Thanks for reading...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Nekros Build - Spamming Desecrate

Last Update 12.6.1

Whenever I go to Survival mission, the first thing I check before say I'm ready on Squad chat; I will look at my squad Warframe. If there is Nekros, then I'm good. If not, I will bring my Nekros instead. This is my build:

  • Desecrate
  • Terrify
  • Overextended
  • Flow
  • Natural Talent
  • Streamline
  • Rush
  • Fleeting Expertise
  • Vitality
  • Redirection
  • Enemy Radar (Aura)

3 Formas
Style to play : Spamming Desecrate
Loadout : Penta
Desecrate : 12 Energies
Terrify : 19 Energies


My focus for this build is Desecrate. So, Range and Effecient are my priority for modding. I'm using Overentended instead of Stretch because Overextended got addition 90% for range with cost of -60% Strength.

Instead of using Shadows of the Dead ability, I use Terrify. Actually I have no idea which one is good because this 2 ability for me is use when I try to revive my team member in case they are dying. So far its help for a bit. One more thing is Shadows of the Dead use Power Strength which is already decrease because of Overextended mod.

Natural Talent mod is must for Nekros. In fast pace like survival, timing is everything. Especially if enemy die with Nova's Molecular Prime. Nekros have only 3 seconds to use desecrate on dead enemy. Without Natural Talent, we can only use once if enemy did die in Nova's Molecular Prime.

Other seem basic to me. Mod like Flow for energy capacity, Rush for Sprint speed, Vitality and Redirection for health and shield, Streamline and Fleeting Expertise for energy effeciency. I don't use Shadows of the Dead, so I don't need duration mod (Fleeting Expertise decrease -60% duration).


My usual loadout for this kind of build is Penta as my primary weapon. As you can see, Desecrate need corpses so Penta seem a good choice of weapon to use.

However, I dont think this kind of build suitable to use to Tower 3 Survival Void Mission for more than 40 min. I always play up to 40 min, never go beyond that in T3 Survival. Why? Why do I need to go furthur than that. 40 min is hell enough for me.

Of course, with Trinity's Blessing and Nova's Molecular Prime; 40+ min is possible thing to achieve.

Some might use Rage or Equilibrium in their Nekros's build so they can pick up more energy to spam desecrate. I dont know, I dont think this 2 mods really help. Maybe in higher tier.

Well, thats for now. Until next post then...

Monday, February 3, 2014

Karak Build

Solid, dependable and deadly. The Karak is a standard issue rifle in many Grineer platoons
 –Codex Description 

Nova holding Karak rifle

I love Karak. Its got the feeling of smooth M4 Carbine and violent AK-47. When I first playing Warframe, this weapon just out from Update 11.5 thus become my favorite battle companion. You can check it out more here.

Here I want to share my build. I'm open for discussion because I really love this rifle so much and don't mind if there is player want to argue for the benefit of this beloved rifle.

There is two mod's settings I used. One to fight Grineer and other for Corpus. 4 Formas used for this build. Keep in mind that there is mod that I still not max yet but the point count is sufficient for building this build.

Things that important to mention for Karak rifle are its got high impact damage and good accuracy but low in clip capacity and critical damage. So, with that in mind, this build focusing more to damage build; thus ignoring critical damage.

Karak vs Grineer

Karak Build for Grineer

  Build mods:

  • Stormbringer
  • Wildfire
  • Serration
  • Heavy Caliber
  • Hellfire
  • Rifle Ammo Mutation
  • Bane of Grineer
  • Split Chambers

Its pretty basic to use Serration, Heavy Caliber, Split Chambers and Bane of Grineer to increase base damage and chance to multishot Grineer.

There is time when people just left me alone or I just being too stubborn to stay in defense mission so ammo is big issue here. This can be solve with Rifle Ammo Mutation.

Mods mention above enough to kill small army of Grineer with just one bullet but there're still Alloy type Grineer such Bombards, Elite Lancer, Eviscerator and Napalm to be deal with. We need elemental damage so for this I choose Radiation (Heat +  Electric)Wildfire and Hellfire act as fire damage plus Stormbringer act as Electric damage should do the trick.

Hitting Grineer with accuracy and Radiation damage at Nuovo, Ceres

However people do argue why I don't use Piercing Hit to increase Puncture damage because that is Grineer weakness and its kinda weird to use Wildfire and Hellfire as there are increase same heat damage. Well...

Karak Build without Piercing Hit
Taking out Hellfire and replace it with Piercing Hit. (Well, you will never want to sort out Nightmare mod right?)

Karak Build with Piercing Hit
They say number don't lie...

Karak vs Corpus

Karak Build for Corpus
Build mods:
  • Stormbringer
  • Cyro Rounds
  • Serration
  • Heavy Caliber
  • Rupture
  • Rifle Ammo Mutation
  • Bane of Corpus
  • Split Chambers

Same as Grineer built except I take out Heat damage mods and replace it with Cyro Rounds and Rupture. Impact damage is Corpus weakness and that's logic behind Rupture mod. As for elemental, I use Magnetic ( Cold + Electric) to deal with Shield and Proto Shield.
Magnetic damage and accuracy in action at Palus, Pluto
They say Karak is solid anti-Corpus rifle so they no need to explain further right?


Even though my Serration and Heavy Caliber still not max yet, I perhaps satisfied with this build. This build suitable for player who can cope with shortage ammo in clip and good with aiming as Karak really need steady hand to handle.

However, its really shame that its lack of critical damage which make me think Karak is not suitable to bring to Void Tower mission madness. Disadvantage in ammo supply make Karak vs Infested is almost impossible to properly conduct.

I believe there is room for improvement for this build. Some say I do need to use like 3 different elementals mod to increase its potential as show here. However, it need one more forma which make me need to think and rethink this. Hm...

Karak will always be my no 1 weapon due to its style, capability and feel throught using it. Heh, well... thanks for reading and I wish you safe in your battle....

Welcome Tenno!

Hi guys, (and girls)...

Lately I really into this Warframe game. So, I create this blog just for fun and want to share information. You can check out Warframe game here. Its free to play for PC and PS4.

Warframe is cooperative 3rd person shooter ninja style game. You as Tenno, ancient warriors who have awoken from centuries of cryosleep to find themselves at war with the Grineer, a race of militarized human clones; the Corpus, a mega-corporation; and the Infested, victims of the Technocyte virus. To fight back, the Tenno use advanced exo-armor with unique abilities—the titular Warframes

Each Warframe have have its own unique ability that can be use to destroy enemy from the elemental like fire to the science fiction like antimatter. Tenno also use firearm weapons as they combat to the enemy like rifle, shotgun, laser and of course melee such as sword and much more...

This weapon can be brought through market or buy a blueprint and craft it yourself. For maximun potential, Tenno also can customize weapons and warframe throught mods.

This fast paced game can't be complete with their hard missions that can complete with up to 4 players in one session. Tenno also can play solo if they desire but what's the fun...

Enough for this promotion talk. Sign up now!